Absurd times call for absurd amounts of love. Let’s rally and create an absurdly loving community together. This is the Stay At Home Book Club.
Becoming Better Grownups is the name of the book.
Get the book. Support the book. Share about the book. Live the book. Eat the book.
March 20th would’ve been Fred Rogers 92nd birthday! To celebrate, I was supposed to be speaking in Latrobe, Pennsylvania at the Fred Rogers Center on the campus of Saint Vincent College. It was going to be an incredible event! It was, um.. well you know - cancelled.. So were the rest of the events surrounding the release of my upcoming book.
Did I panic? Maybe.
Am I ready to now joyfully rebel and create good things anyway? Gonna try.
There’s still so much good to spread and so many conversations to have. It’s just going to be a little different. Now I get to invite more people to join in the adventure. So, welcome to the Stay at Home Book Club.
For the first one I invited several friends to be part of the fun: Rainn Wilson, Krista Tippett, Morgan Harper Nichols, Nikkolas Smith, Josh Lovelace of needtobreathe, Chris Ulmer for Special Books by Special Kids, and more! For the second one I celebrated people who were creating good things to help other humans during this challenging time.
Join us. Also, if you’d like to order my book so you can read along with us in the coming weeks go for it: http://BeABetterGrownup.com